2020in review

President's Message
Jennifer Sarlo
Board President

Managing Director's Report
Ryan Lidstone
Managing Director
Camp ABK holds a very special place in a lot of people's hearts, so it was with a lot of prayer and sadness that we made the decision to cancel our programs for 2020. Over the course of the summer we heard numerous stories about the impact ABK has made on different individuals, and how much they were missing being at their "favourite place on earth".
We missed the camps full of happy children making new memoires and life-long friends. We missed the campfires and chapels. We missed the busy dining hall and crazy wide games. We missed the people - because one of ABK's greatest strengths is its people. Every year we see over 1,000 guests, and we see hundreds of volunteers take time out of their busy lives to serve Jesus. Needless to say - camp felt very quiet for our 60th anniversary summer.
Although we weren't busy in our traditional sense, we had a lot going down. Below in our Maintenance Report you will see outlined just some of what got done in 2020. We had an excellent group of volunteers come in for the summer to help us get so much done on the maintenance front.
God also provided tremendously for us financially. At the beginning of the summer we were looking at a potential loss of $20,000 (not including our capital projects). The ask on May 3rd was for $60,000 in additional donations so that we could pay the necessary overhead and complete the projects we had planned on accomplishing. People responded by generously giving -within 24 hours Camp received $10,000, and by the end of the summer we had received over $100,000 in additional donations. God is so good to us!
We look forward to summer 2021 and (hopefully) welcoming guests back to ABK because we missed each one.
"The Lord is trustworthy in all He promises and faithful in all He does." - Psalm 145:13
Maintenance Report
Alex Schmitz Ryan Lidstone
Maintenance Coordinator Managing Director
With Camp shut down this summer and the generosity shown to ABK through so many who appreciate the ministry we were able to complete a lot of projects that have been on our to-do list for quite some time. Here is a list of some of what gone done at ABK in 2020:
- New roof, siding, and interior painting in cabin 7
- New roof, siding, and interior painting in cabin 8
- Interior painting in cabin 6
- Roof and water damage fixed in cabin 4
- New siding on our rec center
- New windows installed in our dining hall
- New roof tiles installed in our dining hall
- New windows in our kitchen
- New stainless steel installed in our kitchen
- New ceiling installed in our kitchen
- New chapel steps
- All trim finished in our staff cabins
- Several problem-trees removed around camp
- All mattresses repaired and deep-cleaned
- New electrical panels installed in cabins 1 and 8
- New windows installed in blue house
- Other general maintenance and repairs
It was a busy summer, and we look forward to welcoming people back in summer 2021 with newly updated and renovated facilities.

Treasurer's Report
David Bugo
Treasurer, Board of Directors
2020 is a year I’m sure we will not forget, especially when it comes to Camp ABK. A year met with uncertainty around camp’s finances. In the spring we found ourselves in a position that, without camper fees, would be very difficult to meet our financial obligations for maintenance, repairs and other site work over the summer without camps running. To say, “We are provided for”, is an understatement. Camp’s supporters really showed off in 2020. A thank you to all of our supporting assemblies and individual donors that allowed us (financially) to complete many maintenance and repair projects at ABK.
It is the generosity of our supporting assemblies and individuals that makes you understand that ABK is more than just a campground. It’s more than just cabins, and infrastructure and financial statements. Camp ABK is a part of many people in Ontario and our annual donations reflects the commitment the saints have to this Bible camp. The Lord continues to bless the work at Camp ABK in this way.
Attached you will find the 2020 financial statements for Camp ABK, reviewed by Priddle Luck Professional Corporation. “Based on my review, nothing has come to my attention that causes me to believe that the financial statements do not present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Aush-Bik-Koong Bible Camp as at September 30, 2020, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with ASNPO” (Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit Organizations).